When it comes to surviving whatever scenario you are preparing for, having adequate food is one of the most important considerations, and using a home freeze drier can certainly be used effectively for that purpose.
My research indicates that freeze dried food will last for 25 years. With this kind of shelf life, you could potentially purchase a freeze drier, get all of your food items in order, and sell the freeze drier after you’re done! You’ll have everything you need for when the SHTF and someone else can make use of the machine after that. I’m frugal, and it’s something I’m planning on doing after I’ve dried and packaged all the food I need for my preps.
Most people would think of fruits and nuts when it comes to freeze drying food, but you can also freeze dry fish, eggs and even dairy. There is quite an abundance of food stuffs you can freeze dry to have in your prepper pantry. You can even freeze dry complete meals. I don’t know how a piece of freeze dried lasagna would taste, but I’d imagine its pretty good when you’re hungry! With all of the preps I have going constantly I haven’t done adequate research into what kind of meals can or should be freeze dried, but I’ll come back and edit this post when I figure that out!
Freeze drying eggs is something that appeals to me in particular. Eggs have so much of what you need, they are practically like a multi-vitamin. They are very filling and satiating as well. Having a stash of freeze dried eggs will be very valuable to me when I need the energy and nutrients to get me through difficult and stressful times. I’ll admit I haven’t eaten a freeze dried egg yet, but if they don’t taste so great I can probably put mustard on them.