A distilled water maker can turn just about any type of water into potable drinkable water that you can consume, so it is a really interesting option for preppers since water will have such an importance.
Distilled water is basically pure h2o without any of the impurities and without any viruses or bacteria because those get killed off in the heating process. The distilling process also removes all heavy metals and toxic chemical gases which are referred to as volatile organic compounds. It also removes all minerals present in water as well, leaving you with just pure water. Distilled water also has a pH of 7, making it completely neutral. For those who don’t know, that is right in the middle of the pH scale and not on the side of being acidic or alkaline in any way.
This distilled water maker can turn water from a pond or creek or the water you accumulate from rainwater collection into something you can drink. This can prevent you from getting sick, which is something you should always be striving for during times of survival. If you collected water from a creek or a pond, there could be pathogens or bacteria present that could surely make you ill. While getting sick surely beats dying from dehydration, it’s great when you can avoid both isn’t it?
It should be mentioned that while there are many benefits to drinking distilled water short term, that it is probably not a good idea to start drinking distilled water on a permanent basis. Distilled water is stripped of everything, and that means both harmful things that can make you sick, but also all of the minerals present in water that happen to be good for you. A permanent change to drinking distilled water, like for years, would likely have some negative effects and make you deficient in said minerals.
If you were to drink distilled water for say 2 months in a grid down SHTF scenario, there wouldn’t be any concerns there. If you only drank distilled water for 2 or 3 years though, that might not be ideal. That being said, distilled water could be a real life saver when the grid is down and the taps are not working. It can purify the most stagnant of pond water and make it safe for you to drink and hydrate yourself.