When you have to get up and go and strap everything you can bring with you on your back in your bug out bag, it would be advisable to have an emergency sleeping bag with you. The elements can potentially be harsh, and you’ll need something that can both keep you warm and add a little comfort as opposed to sleeping on the hard ground. The problem with most sleeping bags is that they are not compact and when rolled up are practically as big as your bug out bag themselves! That’s not very viable for if you have to get up and go and navigate your way to your bug out location.
The coolest thing about this emergency sleeping bag is that when packaged up in its case it can fit in the palm of your hand. It’s a very impressive example of a very compact piece of gear. This item will take up next to no space in your bag and it also adds next to no weight. It’s perfect for what we need.
This is the best model we’ve found, and it’s affordable too.
This is a great item to have in your preps. Hopefully, you won’t have to leave your home. Even if you don’t have to leave your home this item could be used if you want to sleep closer to your barricaded door just in case