Prepping in the city and on the cul de sac

Prepping in the city and on the cul de sac

Solar Rechargeable Flashlight

I’m really a fan of solar powered tools and gear, and a solar rechargeable flashlight is something I’m really glad to have. If the grid is down, it is going to be pitch black at night. There will be no street lights and no lighting to illuminate your home either. This makes you susceptible to all kinds of precarious situations.

I currently have two flashlights in my bug out bag. One that works on standard batteries, and this solar powered rechargeable flashlight as a back up. If I have to leave my home and bog down at one of my bug out locations, having a dependable source of light is very important. It will be very dark at night at my bug out locations I have strategized for myself. While my battery powered camping lantern will be really good for inside of my tent, I need good flashlights for projecting light and for when I need to leave my tent.

Check out this cool solar flashlight here:

Aside from potential bug out scenarios, I like having this flashlight at home too, where I hope and expect to weather the storm. Having anything that is rechargeable with solar power from the sun is a big win as far as I’m concerned. One thing people are often mistaken about is that it has to be “sunny” to be able to recharge a solar device. While it is certainly better if there is strong sunshine, an overcast day is still capable of generating solar energy for your recharging needs. If it is day time before sunset, you will get some solar energy no matter what.